Nicky Enright, three works created for the exhibition Ecuador Trifft Berlin
(Ecuador meets Berlin) at the Emerson Gallery Berlin, Germany, 2014


Chévere Gasolina, cut metal and magnets, 2014
This work appropriates the Chevron Gasoline logo and turns it into "Chévere Gasolina," meaning "cool gasoline" in Ecuadorian vernacular. Chevron is currently embroiled in a huge lawsuit over environmental damage to the Ecuadorian rain forest in the pursuit of oil extraction. Therefore this piece ironically relabels the company while symbolically nationalizing the oil. 


Dale Correa, 50 belts, 2014
The current president of Ecuador is named Rafael Correa. His last name, which translates as “belt,” is played with by Ecuadorians, as with the expression, “dale Correa,” meaning “go Correa” or “give ‘em the belt” (or both simultaneously).


Guayaco, enamel on wood sculpture, 2014
This work transforms the Texaco logo into Guayaco, meaning "coming from Guayaquil" - a person or thing that comes from the biggest city in Ecuador. It appropriates another American oil company that has had controversial dealings with Ecuador, metaphorically nationalizing the oil. 

Ecuador Trifft Berlin

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