Nicky Enright, Inflammatory, 2011
Fire hose, wall painting, remixed fire extinguisher, original matches in a plexi box, pedestal,
audio + video (featuring poet Dana Crum), 3-minutes


The Inflammatory installation was mounted at the Bronx Museum (the First AIM Biennial). It consisted of the word “inflammatory” written with two fire hoses over a red-to-orange wall painting, with a doctored fire extinguisher, a glass box full of matchbooks, and a video. The matchbooks are a work titled Rome; they state: “Rome was not Burnt in a Day.” The video shows a poet giving an impassioned reading of the dictionary definition of the word "inflammatory" into a bullhorn. The ensemble explores the linguistic sense of the word and its etymology, how the word may be used to attack speech, and its effect on the discourse of dialog.


inflammatory extinguisher




Nicky Enright | Multimedia